Organic or conventional HOEV?

To be categorized as extra virgin olive oil (HOEV), the oils must pass several sensory organoleptic and chemical tests to determine their authenticity and quality. What about the presence of pesticides in the oil? First, you have to go to the source, to the olive groves where the olives come from, and see how they are grown.

Many consumers want organic products because they offer USDA-certified pesticide-free assurance and adherence to environmentally friendly farming practices. These are honorable and good reasons to support organic growers, however, olive cultivation is different. First of all, olive trees are very easy to grow organically. Unlike most other fruit trees, olive crops have very few pest problems and require very little fertilization. Olive trees are very hardy and grow very well in the wild. They are so easy to grow that most olive growers are 'de facto' organic, as they do not use conventional pesticides, fertilizers, or anything else that could get into the oil or harm the oil. 'environment. Therefore, there is really very little, if any, difference between organic olive oil and conventional olive oil.

The green olives used for the production of all our olive oils are tested with a multi-residue pesticide panel in a third-party laboratory certified by the advice Olive oil Iinternational (COI). This ensures food safety and further guarantees our customers healthy and pesticide-free oils in all cases.  

Further reading

Why are some olives black and others green?

When is the best time to harvest olives for extra virgin olive oil?

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